Lake 1 Renovation Update

The renovation work on Lake 1 is now set to start within the next two weeks. The contractor selected to do the renovation has been delayed due to the wet spring and summer as well as the recent hurricane causing issues in completing current projects. Two fish harvests have been done and the lake level has been allowed to drop naturally by turning off the water well. The remaining water will be pumped out of the lake. We anticipate some odors in the initial renovations as the biologic material in the lake bottom dries out and rots. The truck traffic will be high as the lake bottom is removed and the new clay is hauled in to line the lake. Please bear with us as the renovation is underway. Once the work on Lake 1 is completed it will be filled and restocked with fish from other lakes and work will begin on Lake 4 to do the same process.

Lake 1 Renovation

The engineering work has been completed on the renovation to Lake 1 that will reduce the amount of water required to maintain the water level.  The plans are with the necessary state agencies for approval and bids will be sent out after the plans have been approved.   Work on the lake is anticipated to begin in May or June in the normal dry season to minimize work stoppages.  In anticipation of the planned start the water wells that feed Lake 1 have been turned off and the water level is being monitored for the rate of water loss.  As the lake level drops residents will notice that the dirt lake bottom will be exposed.  The lake will not drain completely before work begins but the lower level will reduce the time needed to perform the renovation since the crews can have access to the lake.  A fish harvest is planned for mid April to recover the fish and place them in various lakes within the community.  As the water level drops further an additional harvest will be made to remove as many as possible and place them in the community lakes.  We hope to minimize the loss of fish as much as possible.  More information will be provided as the start of the renovation nears.

Update on Water Plant #1

The contractor involved with the drilling of the new water well at Water Plant #1 located on Mason Road is entering the next phase of the project which will be the installation of a temporary pump to test the aquifer’s ability to deliver the expected quantity of water.  During this test period the contractor will be operating on a 24 hour per day schedule.  The time frame for the 24 hour per day work is from Sunday March 10 until Thursday March 28th.  Additional postings will be made as more information becomes available.