Notice of EPA Lead Inventory

As required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Fort Bend County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3 (the “District”) conducted an inventory on it service lines for the presence of lead.

The inventory has been completed. No lead service lines nor galvanized service were detected and no line replacement is required.

Additionally, the District has found no evidence of the use of lead service lines (i) in the system records, including distribution system maps and drawings, historical records, meter installation records, inspections and records of the distribution system that indicate the material composition, or (ii) when reading water meters or performing maintenance activities during normal system operations.

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

Residents of Fort Bend County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3 (WCID #3) should be aware of the upcoming public hearing regarding the proposed tax rate for the 2024 tax year. The hearing is scheduled for September 20, 2024, at 11:30 A.M., and will be held at 7930 W. Grand Parkway, Suite 100, Richmond, TX.

What’s New?

The proposed tax rate for 2024 is $0.555 per $100 of property value, which is a slight decrease from the previous year’s rate of $0.560 per $100. Although the tax rate is decreasing by 0.89%, the average appraised value of homes in the district has increased from $739,634 to $800,699. This means that, despite the lower tax rate, the average homeowner will see an increase of approximately $301.92 in their annual property tax bill, a 7.28% increase from last year.

Why It Matters

Understanding these changes is important for managing your financial planning. Even with a reduced tax rate, the increase in property values can lead to a higher tax bill. This shift highlights the importance of staying informed about property tax assessments and how they impact your overall tax obligations.

Get Involved

The public hearing is an opportunity for residents to express their opinions and learn more about how the proposed tax rate might affect them. It’s crucial to participate in these discussions, as they directly impact your finances and the allocation of tax burdens across the district.

For more detailed information, including specific figures and potential impacts, please refer to the full notice provided by Fort Bend County W.C.I.D. #3. Staying informed and involved is key to ensuring that your voice is heard in decisions that affect our community.

Lake 1 Renovation Update

The renovation work on Lake 1 is now set to start within the next two weeks. The contractor selected to do the renovation has been delayed due to the wet spring and summer as well as the recent hurricane causing issues in completing current projects. Two fish harvests have been done and the lake level has been allowed to drop naturally by turning off the water well. The remaining water will be pumped out of the lake. We anticipate some odors in the initial renovations as the biologic material in the lake bottom dries out and rots. The truck traffic will be high as the lake bottom is removed and the new clay is hauled in to line the lake. Please bear with us as the renovation is underway. Once the work on Lake 1 is completed it will be filled and restocked with fish from other lakes and work will begin on Lake 4 to do the same process.